I live on the dark side of the moon!!

yeah, sort of. Well… maybe not, but i wanted to break the tradition of breaking the tradition of breaking the tradition of breaking the tradition of every programmer to write “HELLO WORLD” as their first post on a blog.

so, hello to you , reader ! if you are reading this, it’ s probably because in the future relative to this post i made a game or an article about games that grabbed your attention. If this is the case, i can identify myself as a fairly cool guy.

My name’ s Guido, i am from Italy , and i love videogames. The next step is for me to bacome a game developer, wich is why there’ s a new page on the blogosphere. How cool. Blogosphere!

that said, i leave you to the me of the future that will write the next post, probably in 2 days, to talk about what i’ ve done for this ludum dare. cheers!

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